Frequently Asked Questions


Make a Donation

Volunteers & Contributors

Dollars raised in 2021

What hours are you open?

The Marshall County Neighborhood Center is open for general office hours on Monday – Thursday 9-4 and Friday 9-12

Food Pantry:

Mondays: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Wednesdays: 10-12 (curbside only) 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Fridays: 9:00am – 11:00am

Clothing Pantry:

Tuesday and Thursday 10-3

Do I have to fill out any paperwork?

Clients check-in with the front desk and update their paperwork, signing appropriate forms for service tracking. First-time clients need to complete an Intake File and provide necessary documentation

How do I get food?

The client then takes a number and waits to be called to shop. A volunteer calls numbers and guides the client through the shop in the pantry. Volunteers are briefed prior to pantry services, so they know what items are available and being promoted.  We also offer curbside pick up for those who place orders online or via phone.

Do you deliver?

Services may be delivered outside of pantry hours, at the discretion of the lead staff on-site. In this case, Emergency Paperwork must be completed.

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One-time donations